Orinackra (1)Full unit name: Orinackra
Last updated: 29.10.2023 13:05:31
Basic info
First appearance: Dark Forces (Video Game)
Dark Forces (Video Game)
Known Facts (8)
Mission to Orinackra (8) »
Orinackra was a barren wasteland planet located in the Wild Space region of the galaxy. It was mostly covered with large valleys made of stone. It was an ideal planet for a prison, as the valleys were actually large mazes with many dead ends - even if the prisoners managed to escape from the complex, they had little chance of finding their way out of the labyrinth before they died of thirst or hunger. During the Galactic Civil War, the infamous Imperial prison complex was located here.


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Full unit name: Orinackra Last updated: 29.10.2023 13:05:31